NSW South Coast

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On the Beach front , 4670, Bargara

Phone: 07 4154 7757
Website: www.zenbeachretreat.com
Email: info@familclub.com.au

We invite you to see, feel, taste and experience the Best Kept Secrets on the Great Barrier Reef!

On the Beach front , 4670, Bargara

Phone: 07 4154 7757
Website: www.zenbeachretreat.com
Email: info@familclub.com.au

Serving up rum-inspired food, rum cocktails, the best in local music and the latest Bundaberg Rum Distillery releases – the festival is a celebration of all that Bundaberg has to offer, bringing together locals, travellers, and food and drink lovers alike.

Festival-goers can expect flavour to be a big focus of the festival with rum-inspired food stalls serving up dishes with a unique regional style and flavour.

ABN:47 868 541 723

Mobile:  0458 091 336

Skype: RobertCWoodgate

Email: robert@familclub.com.au

Event Members:  21,819

LinkedIn:  8,292 Event Followers

LinkedIn for Events

Twitter:   familclub

Join Familclub here

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100% Australian



From $100

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