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Category: Event VIPs

LIV , 3000, melbourne

Law Institute of Victoria, Legal Services Melbourne, Victoria has 18,978 followers on LinkedIn

Category: Event VIPs

3000, Melbourne

I certainly found out the hard way that there is more to be a Managing and leading a team than delegating. After a while I realised that the only thing I could change was me. I simply couldn't work any harder.

Category: Exhibition

ATE 24 Southern Hemisphere's largest Tourism Trade Show flocks to Melbourne 19th to 24th May

ABN:47 868 541 723

Mobile:  0458 091 336

Skype: RobertCWoodgate

Email: robert@familclub.com.au

Event Members:  21,819

LinkedIn:  8,292 Event Followers

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Twitter:   familclub

Join Familclub here

Creating Business for the Event Industry

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