NSW Blue Mountains & Central West

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  Name Description Category Location
ZEN Beach Retreat Invites you to the Turtles!

We invite you to see, feel, taste and experience the Best Kept Secrets on the Great Barrier Reef!

Corporate Retreat

On the Beach front , 4670, Bargara

Phone: 07 4154 7757
Website: www.zenbeachretreat.com
Email: info@familclub.com.au

ZEN Beach Retreat Invites you to the Spirit of Bunderberg Festival

Serving up rum-inspired food, rum cocktails, the best in local music and the latest Bundaberg Rum Distillery releases – the festival is a celebration of all that Bundaberg has to offer, bringing together locals, travellers, and food and drink lovers alike.

Festival-goers can expect flavour to be a big focus of the festival with rum-inspired food stalls serving up dishes with a unique regional style and flavour.

Corporate Retreat

On the Beach front , 4670, Bargara

Phone: 07 4154 7757
Website: www.zenbeachretreat.com
Email: info@familclub.com.au

ABN:47 868 541 723

Mobile:  0458 091 336

Skype: RobertCWoodgate

Email: robert@familclub.com.au

Event Members:  21,819

LinkedIn:  8,292 Event Followers

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Twitter:   familclub

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