NSW New England

Bygone Beauty's Meet over High Tea Sweet and Savory

Category: Blue Mountains

If theatrics and grandeur is your cup of tea, you’ll be absolutely thrilled to discover Bygone Beautys’ Traditional High Tea.

Set amongst the backdrop of a unique and charming old-world dining room, your waiter, complete with top hat and tails, will deliver this decadent delight to your table with a degree of pomp and circumstance.

The Blue Mountains’ Most Theatrical Traditional High Tea

bygone beautys flags

Presented silver service style on an elegantly decorated afternoon tea tray-mobile, it is an experience reminiscent of decades past when life was more leisurely. Relax, as you anticipate, at your dining table where every little detail - from the table cloth to the placement of fine bone china and quality cotton afternoon tea serviettes - is set with precision and authenticity. Watch with delight as your triple-tier cake stand of treats, framed by two British Union Jack flags, arrives to the tune of Land of Hope and Glory.

bygone beautys groupIt is not only the presentation and ceremony that is perfected to every fine detail, but also the quality of the service and product. Bygone Beautys have been offering Traditional High Tea since before it was trendy and, as an expert venue specialising in all things tea and tea-related, it has been steeped to perfection.

Sit back, relax and enjoy finely rolled crustless sandwiches, an assortment of homemade tea cakes and biscuits, topped off with homemade baby scones with freshly whipped cream and strawberry jam, accompanied by your choice of house tea or coffee.

An experience to make any afternoon complete, guests have described it as “quirky” and “unique.” Simply “blown over” by the presentation, it made one guest feel “like Alice in Wonderland,” proclaiming “I think I spot the March Hare in the pot!” Other guests have stated that “the ambience was opulent and theatrical” and that “the cherry on the cake was when [the] tea trolley arrived” making it an experience that “would put a smile on anyone’s face.”

Best experienced in the company of others, the Traditional High Tea is served to a minimum of two persons. Bring your own (BYO) champagne for a completely decadent experience with crystal champagne flutes provided. Bookings are essential.

bygone teapotsTop off your visit by browsing the recently renovated museum space, featuring over 5,500 teapots from all over the world and of many different eras, as well as the retail area specialising in all things tea-related. Bygone Beautys is open seven days a week.

The current proprietor of Bygone Beautys, Maurice Cooper OAM, is often referred to as “The Teapot Man” or “Mr Teapot”. A previous joint owner, Ronald Hooper, began the teapot collection in 1974. He and Maurice joined forces in 1992 to create Bygone Beautys. Mr Cooper quickly matched Mr Hooper’s collection to give equality to the partnership and since then the collection has grown to more than 5,500 teapots. The teapot collection spans five centuries and includes teapots from all over the world, most of which were collected within Australia.

Request a Sales pack, a quote, a site inspection or check availability

Traditional High Tea: $39.95 per person for the first 2 persons, then $35.00 per person thereafter. Corkage is $2.20 per person.

Bookings are essential. Prices valid 01/04/2016 - 31/03/2017.

Opening Hours: Open 7 days a week, 10.00am - 5.30pm. (Closed Good Friday, Christmas Day & New Year’s Day).

Last tearoom orders are taken at 5.00pm. The last sitting for Traditional High Tea is 4.00pm on weekdays and 4.30pm on weekends.

Bookings essential for Traditional High Tea.

Address: 20 - 22 Grose Street, Leura, Blue Mountains, NSW 2780.

Telephone: +61 (02) 4784 3117  Free Call: 1800 663 619



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